I remember looking at the moon last night the same way I'm looking at the fuzzies between my toes right now; I just wanted to pinch my fingers around it and bring it closer to my eye for a good examination.
The moon is a beautiful ornament placed in the sky from time to time. I am glad that something so elegant and mysterious is given to us as a nightlight.
And one of the greatest things about the moon, I think, is that everyone in the world sees the same one. So, even when I'm immersed in a completely different culture, some things stay constant wherever I go. It also brings some sort of comfort to know that the ones I love can look upon and even be inspired by the same wonder that I look upon. It draws my mind to them, and it draws my mind to God.
Certainly, God is the only truly constant part of life (or death). For, what if I were persecuted and locked up in a musty, concrete cell with no windows or ventilation? I would not see the moon, nor feel the breeze, nor taste of any nutritious morsel; surely my health would fail me! I would become frail and unpleasant to smell. My breath would be shallow gasps filled with impurities.
Only my God would be the constant.
I know that there are many who are currently undertaking such irregularities of life. My brothers and sisters who are crying out in thanks to their God for remaining with them in the midst of such ill-treatment. We pray for them.
It is refreshing to know that I pray to the same God as all of you, friends.
It is perhaps even more refreshing to know that I pray to the same God that Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, the Apostles, and Jesus prayed to. And being not bound in time, God saw me right here, right now just as clearly then as he sees me now, and he thought of me and loved me just as deeply. He knew that tomorrow I will be needing Him sitting/standing/walking directly beside, in front, and behind me as I go to Port Au Prince with no intention on returning for a week.
This leads me to deliver a prayer request on my behalf as well as the rest of the group. I will become more immersed in the poverty than I ever have been. The unknown taunts me day and night.
I ask for peace. I ask for joy. I ask for wisdom. I ask for boldness. I ask for forsaken vanities. I ask for safety, though not at the cost of God's glory.
A nurse practitioner got in a couple days ago and has been staying in the guest house with Brent and I. This evening she gave us some baggies of medication to combat the cholera going around there in case we contract. I can say that I have no worries about that situation, though. Everyone (except the nurse) seems pretty convinced that it won't be an issue for us... but I suppose only time will tell.
Thank you all for your love and support. God has been using so many of your prayers already, and since there is no limit to his good graces we can never pray enough for them.
Let us, "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse,... and test [Him] now in this,... if [He] will not open for [us] the windows of heaven and pour out for [us] a blessing until it overflows." all for His glory, praise, and honor.
i am so sad that i didn't know this blog existed until tonight : (
ReplyDeletehowever, so excited to catch up on what i've missed.
praying for you, friend.
ok. i am super excited to see that you have a blog!
ReplyDeletebefore i found this...i had no idea that brent was with you!
please give him a big "hello!" from me. thanks!
praying for you both.
may the Father be glorified through your time there!
isaac, i talked to your mom on sunday. she misses you and said you're kinda shy about your blog. please don't stop writing because more people are reading.... if anything it should push you to keep on writing and lifting up the name of our Maker and Creator and Lover of our souls. (and your mom likes to stay updated too! ;) ) tell brent hello. prayers to all of you down there!